Certified Inspections. We are federally and locally certified inspectors.
Fully Insured. We operate with the highest level of insurance
State Board Licensed. We are licensed professional engineers & geologists
What we do
Provide Geotechnical Engineering Services in Southern California
Work With Us
We show up every day to make our mission a reality for our partners and customers.
Our geotechnical engineering services are founded on responsive personal attention and delivery of technical excellence.
Geotechnical Engineering
Earthquake & Seismic Design
Engineering Geology
Foundation Design
Geotechnical Engineering
The Marshall Benefits
Creating more efficient engineering
Our diverse staff includes civil, materials, and earthquake engineers, as well as engineering geologists, geophysicists, and earth and computer scientists. Our specialists are leading experts in the fields of earthquake engineering, slope stability analyses, landslide repair, and seismic hazards evaluations.

Let’s get started